Creatividad real o la innovación mal entendida
A veces, te encuentras en la empresa con procesos creativos que no aportan valor. Innovar por innovar, en un ejercicio de auto-indulgencia. Algo parecido a un cirujano que dice: “Qué bien ha salido la operación. Lástima que el paciente haya fallecido”. En las etapas iniciales de brainstorming, cualquier idea se admite. Pero, por supuesto, es más recomendable tener ideas con menor grado de innovación pero que aporten valor que al contrario. Es lo que De Bono denomina “crazitivity”: Crazitivity is a new word that needed inventing. Crazitivity is that sort of creativity that is solely driven by desire to be different. Creativity is always new and different so the belief is that something new and different is necessarily creative. So anything different, bizarre and off-the- wall claims to be creative. I have no objection whatever to this belief and this style of creativity. My only concern is that people should equate crazitivity with creativity. This would be a pity and would be a great disservice to serious creativity. Creativity can be low key, simple, unostentatious and very logical—in hindsight. Creativity does not have to announce: “Look at me. Aren’t I creative!!” In the advertising world something that is crazy may catch attention […]