La Web 2.0 ha llegado para quedarse
Muchos dicen que es una moda, otros una revolución. Como siempre, hay que tomar las cosas con cautela y ahí en medio está la virtud. Mi opinión personal sobre el tema es que la Web 2.0 es la representación de una evolución natural: de aplicaciones tradicionales a enfoque en el usuario final. Colaboración via web, comunidad y nuevos servicios. ¿ Qué es Web 2.0 ?: Over time, however, more and more people started writing content in addition to reading it. This had an interesting effect—suddenly there was too much information to keep up with! We did not have enough time for everyone who wanted our attention and visiting all sites with relevant content simply wasn’t possible. As personal publishing caught on and went mainstream, it became apparent that the Web 1.0 paradigm had to change. Enter Web 2.0, a vision of the Web in which information is broken up into “microcontent” units that can be distributed over dozens of domains. The Web of documents has morphed into a Web of data. We are no longer just looking to the same old sources for information. Now we’re looking to a new set of tools to aggregate and remix microcontent in new and […]