Visibilidad o cómo Google posiciona tu vida profesional
Buscando información por la red, encontré esta frase: You’re a Nobody Unless Your Name Googles Well Lo dijo Kevin Delaney en este artículo de WSJ: For people prone to vanity searching — punching their own names into search engines — absence from the first pages of search results can bring disappointment. On top of that, some of the “un-Googleables” say being crowded out of search results actually carries a professional and financial price. That’s because people increasingly rely on search engines to find things they want to read, music they want to hear, people and companies they want to do business with. U.S. Internet users conduct hundreds of millions of search queries daily. About 7% of all searches are for a person’s name, estimates search engine More than 80% of executive recruiters said they routinely use search engines to learn more about candidates, according to a recent survey by executive networking firm ExecuNet. Nearly 40% of individuals have used search engines to look up friends or acquaintances with whom they’d lost touch, according to a Harris Interactive survey commissioned by Microsoft Corp.’s MSN unit. (…) Some people have taken measures to boost their visibility online, including creating listings in […]