Listas de tareas y cuadernos
Ya decía el anuncio del Mercedes Clase E: “Los seres humanos amamos la listas. Es el desesperado intento del hombre por poner orden en el caos.”. En LifeHacker hacen repaso sobre el arte de las listas de tareas (To-Do): Geek To Live: The art of the doable to-do list: When it’s time to add something to your to-do list, think it through using the following guidelines. Only Put Items on the List That You’re Definitely Doing Sometimes you think of tasks you’re just not ready to do yet. Maybe learning a new language – while it’s an eventual goal – just doesn’t fit into your life right now. Maybe upgrading the website is low priority because your business is shifting gears in a major way, and any site overhaul will look very different – or maybe won’t be needed – in six months. Instead of letting tasks you’re not quite committed to loiter on your to-do list until you’re sick of looking at them (and sick of the reminder that you’re not quite there yet), move them off to a separate list, a holding area for Someday/Maybe items. You’d tell your assistant to do something only if you absolutely, positively want […]